Monthly Budget and Weekly Spending Tracker Available Now!
Start your journey to financial freedom!
Here they are, finally!
I have created simple Monthly Budget and Weekly Spending Tracker worksheets to help you on your journey to financial independence.
Budget Worksheet
I have used and researched so many budget worksheets over the years, and one thing I have learned is that simple is better. You are more likely to stick with something that doesn’t overwhelm.
I purposely did not prelist categories. Everyone’s spending looks different, and I wanted this to work best for you. I did, however, separate fixed and variable expenses for convenience.
One tip- As you list your expenses, I suggest using two different colors. One color for essential items – another for non essential. You might be surprised at what you see!
Weekly Spending Tracker

I have also created a weekly spending tracker. This is meant to be used in tandem with your monthly budget worksheet.
Let’s say, during your expense review, you find you are overspending on eating out or on clothing purchases each month. You can use this to track that specific category you are overspending on, or you can use it to list all spending for the week.
Where to find them
The templates can be found on Etsy for only $1.50. Feel free to recreate from my images here if you have the time! If not, check out my Etsy shop.
Happy Budgeting! Happy New Year’s Eve!