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It's Time to Embrace the Money Date

Money dates, those elusive appointments on your calendar that can often feel as intimidating as a blind date with destiny. Yet, they hold the key to a healthier financial future and a deeper understanding of your financial self. Picture this: a rendezvous where budgets and bank statements become your conversation starters, where financial goals are courted, and financial fears are embraced with open arms. In this article, we embark on a journey to demystify the concept of money dates, exploring how these regular financial rendezvous can transform your relationship with money and set you on a path to financial bliss. So, grab your financial planner and prepare to swipe right on your financial future – because it’s time to fall in love with your money all over again.

What is a money date?

A money date is a scheduled conversation — a date- about your finances, goals, priorities, and what you want to accomplish. You review your spending, budget, and financial goals. It can be a solo date or a date with your partner or spouse. Scheduling time allows both to prepare and not get overwhelmed.

What is the framework?

In the beginning, keep it simple:

  • Set goals- maintain a broader conversation around goals and values. What do you want to save for? What do you want to accomplish?

Once established,

  • Gather financial documents

  • Review spending

  • Create a budget/review budget

  • Set financial goals/update financial goals

Your first few dates will be establishing your financial goals, budgets, and values. The dates that follow will mostly be maintenance.

The Impact

Money dates are not just about crunching numbers or scrutinizing bank statements; they are a powerful catalyst for change in your financial life. Think of them as therapy sessions for your wallet, where you uncover hidden fears, dreams, and aspirations. As you sit across from your financial partner, whether it’s a spouse, a trusted friend, or simply your own reflection, you embark on a journey of self-discovery. Through these candid conversations, you’ll gain clarity about your financial goals, conquer the monsters of debt, and nurture the seeds of savings. Money dates aren’t just about dollars and cents; they’re about empowerment, transformation, and a renewed sense of control over your financial destiny. So, don’t be surprised if, after a few money dates, you find yourself falling head over heels for your money — and the exciting possibilities it holds.

Additional Tips

→Have money dates frequently — weekly, every 2 weeks. The idea is to build a deep connection around your finances. →Keep dates to an hour or an hour and a half long. →Order your favorite food and drinks. →You don’t have to go out. Order your favorite take-out, pour some drinks, and cozy up on the couch.

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