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It’s the same story, year after year, resolution after resolution— that dreams come to die around this time. Are you still on track with your resolution, or are you among the many that don’t even remember the goal they set out to reach?
What is it about a dream that keeps it there—in your dreams? Why is it most resolutions go by the way side and never see the light into the third month? Why is it that our brains turn off when it gets too hard? Is it that we are lazy? Is it really a dream you have set out to reach that isn’t really your own?
It is because most dreams lack a plan. Dreams are usually those possibilities that fit in the “impossible is possible” categories. It is meant to be hard work. Yes, you have become lazy. You want it—yes—but, you don’t want to figure out how to get there. That is exactly why the 1% live like none other. This 1% worked just a little bit harder, they followed the steps, they made the call to the mentor, read the books, did the research and lived on about 3-4 hours of sleep a night to get there.
#1-Ask why
Ask why. Find out what motivates you. Why do you want this so badly? Is it the money? Is it a legacy? If your goal is to “weigh less,” you just won’t make it. Why? There isn’t enough definition. It is arbitrary. There is no end point. Ask why again and again until you finally reach that motivator. Whatever your objective, keep that in your sights and tell yourself it is attainable. This should be the first thing you think about each morning. Write it in your planner on each day at the very top of the page. Stick post it notes all over your house and your office. Set alarms on your phone to remind you of your dream if you must.
#2-Create a plan
This isn’t enough, though. You need to see the vision. A dream is still a dream without a strategy; an action plan. What will it take to achieve your goal? Create checkpoints. Ensure each is specific, measurable, actionable and realistic.
#3-Reflect daily
I keep notebooks for each category of writing I’m working on. When I have a new idea for a project and I don’t have my notebook? I scratch the idea on a post it and stick it in my notebook when I get home under my “Ideas” section. I use these notebooks to scratch down my thoughts from the day and make sense of it all. My mind is a jumbled mess and this helps me to visualize my thought process and ensure it is helping me achieve my goals. It also helps me organize. Use this to remind yourself why you are working so hard to reach this goal.
I have a planner. Yes, a paper and pen planner I keep track of my goings on daily. I never remember to check my phone. I have “focus days” for my activities. For instance, Tuesdays are dedicated to my novel. I edit my book and query and research potential literary agents. Sundays are dedicated to preparing my Monday morning Inspiration post, etc etc. If I didn’t have a schedule I would feel like every single bit of everything had to be accomplished in one day. That is not feasible.
Jared is my support. My mom, dad, sisters, and family are my best support. You are my support-you reading this article inspires me. You can’t shoulder it all alone. You may be the most optimistic person in the room, but I guarantee you have days you feel like you just want to do nothing but watch Mulan, Supernatural, and Star Trek all day (the new ones and no I’m not a Trekie)….okay maybe Fixer Upper, too. I just love Chip and Joanna. Back to my point, everyone needs someone whether you like it or not. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
#5-Expect set backs
When you hit a bump it is very hard to bring yourself back up. Fear takes over and you become irrational. If you have a mindset that set backs can, and will, happen then you are emotionally prepared and can think rationally during your dig back up.
#6-Take a personal day
I know what you are thinking, “You called me lazy and now you are telling me to take a personal day? You are crazy!.” I know what it is like working 40 hour weeks with a teething one and a half year old. You don’t have much time, other than at night or early morning, to get anything done. At some point your brain will hit overload with all the chaos and thoughts that you feel like you might literally just scream in the middle of an important meeting in front of very important people. Personal days are a way to reclaim your sanity, recollect and level set. It is essential. Don’t wait until you are on the verge of a blow up. Don’t feel bad about it either. You have to take care of you.