Four, Three, Two, One. Cue 2019 wishes and champagne kisses as the New Year rings in. It is a fresh new year, a brand new beginning, a chance for a clear slate, an opportunity to annihilate your goals. I don’t look back. I reflect on the days leading up to the first of the year, then I let it go. It is time to begin a new chapter.
New Year’s resolutions get a bad rap, but I LOVE goal setting in the new year. I keep it simple and realistic ya’ll. No, I won’t lose 50 pounds this year. No, I won’t completely give up sugar. Do you really think you can learn three languages this year? Bless your heart. . . I just can’t do it. I set realistic goals.

My Goals
Complete Book 2 of “Sons of God, Daughters of Men.”
Take better care of my body. This is a three parter
-workout 3 days a week
cardio 5 days a week
cheat day-Wednesday
Read more books! 1 a month, to be exact. I have my list already made. January is 1984 by George Orwell.
Write everyday, whether it be in my journal, on my book, or blog content.
Complete the Berryhill renovations. I will always have projects, but I WILL complete the major renovations this year.
What? Like it’s hard?
Okay, so I know this is a long list. I know these are lofty goals, but they are realistic for me. There are 365 days in a year–365 days of opportunity. The hardest part is maintaining focus and energy. It is easy to fall into a rut or become bored. My grandfather always used to say, “there is no such thing as being bored.” He is right. There is always something to be done. My husband would disagree, but that’s just because he doesn’t possess the brain of a woman who holds 1,000 tabs open in her brain at any moment, 50 on her phone, 20 on her laptop. No offense to men, of course. Just science. It is a curse really. Ask any woman. Believe me, there is always something to do. This list works for me. You do you, and keep the tips below in mind.
Keeping Your Resolutions
Create SMART goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Basically, make sure you have an actual plan!
Keep your list manageable. Keep it small.
Support group: friends, family, coworkers, help discussion group.
Journal. Write in it daily and reflect. If your goals are top of mind, it is hard to escape them.
Visual. Keep a pic of your goals on your phone. Pin it up in your office.
And, of course, eat collard greens and Hoppin’ Johns for good luck. Collards recipe below.
Stop waiting for it. Take action. Make a change. Get excited. Do something new! Un-follow negative people on social media. Actually, delete social media. Be bold! Clear out the negative energy. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Challenge yourself!
If not, consider drinking loads of champagne and forget you read this, but I hope you decide to live your life on purpose instead.
